Important message from Superintendent Lonnie Moser:
Daily Update from Superintendent Moser for Friday March 27, 2020:
If you missed your appointment to pick up your supplies we will be here today until 4. Go to the front door and ring the bell. Hope to see you soon.
Daily Update from Superintendent Moser for Thursday March 26, 2020:
HES parents!
Anyone who has not picked up their student's belongings can do so today between 1pm-4pm.
Thank you so much to whoever donated the Rogue Nutrition drinks today! It is greatly appreciated.
At this time, the Kansas Cosmosphere is still planning to hold this summers space camp.
"HHS Astronomy Club is still offering scholarships to our HMS students interested in attending space camp at the Kansas Cosmosphere this summer. Please fill out and return the application via e-mail.
2020 Mars Academy Scholarship:
2020 Mission Moon Shot Scholarship:
Daily Update from Superintendent Moser for Wednesday March 25, 2020:
HMS Parents: Don't forget your scheduled supply pick up times. Please call the middle school today at 785-742-4172 to discuss pickup schedule for your student's belongings and school-issued device if you have not already. When talking with the school office personnel, please note your time and designated area of pickup. Also, please remember to complete the technology agreement form before your scheduled pick up. Thanks for your cooperation in helping this to be a successful process.
Technology Agreement form link:
HES Supply Pick up schedule. Remember to return any library books you have at home. Also, please complete the technology agreement form before picking up your supplies.
Technology Agreement:
Daily Update from Superintendent Moser for Tuesday March 24, 2020:
Scholarship Update: As of today, March 24, 2020, all of the following local scholarship applications from HHS students (2020 graduates and alumni) should be turned in using the drop box located at Citizens State Bank, 800 Oregon Street, by APRIL 17, 2020. Follow deadlines on all others (non-locals) not listed in the photo.
Meal Distribution locations and times
HES Parents please remember to fill out the technology agreement form before you pick up your students Chromebooks this week. Also when you pick up your students belongings please bring any library books you have at home with you. There will be a drop box for these.
Meal Distribution location and times!
Daily Update from Superintendent Moser:
HES would like to thank everyone for their support. At this time we have plenty of boxes.
Class of 2020 caps and gowns will be handed out with locker contents today.
Starting Monday March 23 Prairie Hills USD 113 will be distributing meals in Fairview at the city park 11:30 AM-12:15 PM
Daily update from Superintendent Moser for Friday March 20, 2020: