Mark your calendars! HES is having family night for students in grade 2-4 on Wednesday, April 2nd from 5-6pm! We hope to see you there! 🔴🔵 #HESRedHawks #USD415 #RedHawkReady #Hiawathaks #HiawathaKansas 🔴🔵

7th & 8th Graders Join the Fun!
HMS Track Practice
March 24, 2025

Are you ready for some fun? Join Hiawatha Elementary and Parents as Teachers for Blockfest April 10th from 5pm-6pm in the HES gym! Families with children aged 6 months- 4th grade are invited! (Children must be accompanied by an adult)🔴🔵 #HESRedHawks #USD415 #RedHawkReady #Hiawathaks #HiawathaKansas 🔴🔵


Congratulations to the Red Hawk Forensics Team who competed in Silver Lake on Saturday against 23 schools with over 187 competitors!
Senior Tori Wist placed 1st in Prose and 2nd in Program of Oral Interpretation (POI) both earning her a spot at state champs.
Senior Mark Stroud placed 6th in Program of Oral Interpretation (POI).
Sophmore Tori Tawzer placed 6th in Prose.
The team competes again next Saturday at Clay Center.
🎭 🔴🔵 #HHSRedHawks #USD415 #HHSRedHawk4n6 #HHSRedHawk4n6 #RedHawkReady #Hiawathaks #HiawathaKansas #VisitHiawatha 🔴🔵 🎭

It was time for the monthly pizza party sponsored by the HES PTO. Students whose names were drawn because they showed positive Red Hawk character received pizza in Mrs. D's office! Well done students & thank you to the HES PTO for sponsoring this reward! 🔴🔵 #HESRedHawks #USD415 #RedHawkReady #Hiawathaks #HiawathaKansas 🔴🔵

Due to inclement weather & road conditions, USD 415 will Have a two Hour Late Start on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 No breakfast, AM Preschool or VoTech
Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo y las condiciones de la carretera, USD 415 comenzará con dos horas de retraso el miércoles 5 de marzo de 2025. No habrá desayuno, preescolar AM ni VoTech.
🔴🔵 #HESRedHawks #HMSRedHawks #HHSRedHawks #HHSRedHawkAlumni #USD415 #RedHawkReady #Hiawathaks #HiawathaKansas #VisitHiawatha 🔴🔵

Hiawatha Elementary is hiring! If interested, please complete an application at hiawathaschools415.org #HESRedHawks #USD415 #RedHawkReady #helpwanted #job #jobs #hiawathaks #hiawathakansas #visithiawatha #workWednesday

Due to weather & Road conditions USD 415 will not have school or activities on Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Debido al clima y las condiciones de la carretera, USD 415 no tendrá clases ni actividades el miércoles 5 de marzo de 2025
🔴🔵 #HESRedHawks #HMSRedHawks #HHSRedHawks #HHSRedHawkAlumni #USD415 #RedHawkReady #Hiawathaks #HiawathaKansas #VisitHiawatha 🔴🔵

Parent Athlete Meeting

Do you have a child who will be turning 5 on or before August 31st and will be attending Kindergarten at HES in the fall of 2025? Join us for an informational night to meet our staff, tour classrooms, and learn how to help your child be successful in Kindergarten! We hope to see you April 8th!

We would also like to thank our student volunteers for all of their help with Friday's Reality U event!

A HUGE thank you to our community volunteers! Without them, Reality U is not possible.

HES Newsletter- March 🔴🔵 #HESRedHawks #USD415 #RedHawkReady #Hiawathaks #HiawathaKansas #VisitHiawatha 🔴🔵

Interested in cheering? The first open gym for high school cheer is tomorrow from 6-8PM at West Campus in the cheer room. All current 8th grade through 11th grade students interested in cheer are welcome to join! We will work on basics stunts, cheers, and answer any and all questions you may have. If interested in trying out for the 2025-2026 school year, please fill out this Google form - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEoADOPGK1aS1e4cYMxo2sXwfHLkbb546OV1p-RqNQjTUcfQ/viewform
We can’t wait to see you there! Go Red Hawks! ❤️💙

8th grade girls had a great, educational day at Enhancing Your Future, an annual STEM event hosted by Emporia State University! One of our presenters for the day was Hiawatha High alumni, Grace Maze!

8th grade girls had a great, educational day at Enhancing Your Future, an annual STEM event hosted by Emporia State University! One of our presenters for the day was Hiawatha High alumni, Grace Maze!

HMS Weekly Update
March 3-7, 2025

The first graders met for their monthly team-building activity. They created compliment hearts for one another. Each student got a heart filled with compliments from their classmates.
