Second Grade celebrating Earth Day.
Enjoying a wonderful time with our guests at Grandfriends Day in Mrs. Enneking Kindergarten class!! #HESRedHawks
JV softball picks up the win over Riverside.
HHS Summer Camp information
HHS Volleyball Camp June 27, 28, 30
HHS Football Camp June 13-16
HHS Boys Basketball Camp May 31-June 3
HHS Girls Basketball Camp May 31-June 2
HHS Band Camp Aug 1-5
Summer Weights & Conditioning information for students in grades 5-12 for the 2022-2023 school year.
Grades 7-12 link to register:
Grades 5-6 link to register:
Reading with the RedHawks #HHsRedHawks #HESRedHawks
2nd graders went to the One Room Schoolhouse yesterday! #HESRedHawks
Third graders had an egg hunt! They practiced their multiplication facts by finding matches for them! #HESRedHawks
Grace Jones and Darcy Lierz both hit home runs tonight in a tough battle against Riverside. #HHSRedHawks #RedHawkReady #LadyRedHawkSB #HiawathaSB ❤️🥎
Hiawatha baseball wins game two over Marysville, 12-1.
Hiawatha baseball wins game one over Marysville, 9-3.
An email has just gone out to Seniors, the Nelson Scholarship Application is now available!
Incoming Freshmen:
We're excited to meet our upcoming Kindergarten class. Children enrolling in Kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before August 31st.
See information about HES and complete the form found at:
Sign up for a 1 hour round up timeslot on the link below.
Patrons, Parents, Students & Staff,
We are requesting your help with our ESSER III Funding. If you will please take a moment to fill it out the survey via the following link: it would be greatly appreciated.
#USD415 #HHSRedHawks #HMSRedHawks #HESRedHawks
Hiawatha USD 415 is currently accepting for an elementary school custodians interested applicants should apply at the link below.
Applications can also be obtained at the Board of Education office 706 S 1st St. or by calling 785-742-2224.
#HESRedHawks #helpwanted
Save the Date! The 2nd Annual Post Secondary Signing Day is coming soon! #HHsRedHawks
Attention Kindergarten Parents!!!
These notes are being sent home this week. The dates for the Kindergarten music programs are correct on this note. On the school calendar, a couple of the classes were switched around. Please note this change so you don’t miss it!
Please note the date change for the Hiawatha High School Band Concert. The concert will take place on Monday, May 9 at 7 pm in the HHS Auditorium. #HHSRedHawks
Post Secondary Signing Day Update! #HHSRedHawks