The FAFSA is now open to apply for financial aid for the 2023-2024 school year, please go to to start the process. HHS will be hosting Financial Aid Night Oct. 24 @ 6:00. Sarah Windmeyer, HCC Director of Financial Aid will be here to explain the financial aid process and answer questions.
Volleyball senior night!
Kindergarten went on a great adventure to Mulberry Pond Pumpkin Patch today! Learning all about pumpkin life cycles, bees, corn and more! #HESRedHawks
Mrs. Bannister’s class earned 36 Hawk blocks and had sock day!! #HESRedHawks
Big thanks to Matt Tietjens and Tristan Nichols for letting our flight and space class come out to the airport and see your planes! We enjoyed this trip and the learning so much! #HMSRedHawks
It was PJ day at HES for spirit week today! We not only were supporting our amazing Red Hawks but also putting bullying to rest for anti bullying week! #HESRedHawks
Hiawatha area businesses, we invite you to show your Red Hawk Pride this week!
Come watch the Redhawks & support our Teammates Mentoring Program. We will be doing a yard line fundraiser, Pick a yard line, if the ball is on that line at the end of the 3rd quarter you win half the pot. Yard lines are $10 each. We will be having this fun fundraiser at all our home games! #USD415 #RedHawkReady
The HES Book Fair opens tonights from 3:30-6:30pm. The Red Hawk will be here from 4-6pm for a Red Hawk pride family photo opportunity. This event is open to the public! We cannot wait to see you! #HESRedHawks
HES October Lunch Menu #HESRedHawks
HHS hosted Dr. Watson & State Board of Education member Dr. Deena Horst. They visited our welding & ag science classes.
22 HHS students attended the College Planning Conference today at Highland Community College.
HHS Homecoming 2022!
10/3 HHS Weekly Activities!
If you are joining us for the community pep rally, please avoid parking on Utah Street Friday afternoon! Thank you!
ACT Prep Workshop offered at HHS!
HMS spirit with dress up days! #HMSRedhawks
HHS spirit week dress up days! #HHSRedhawks