Parents and Guardians,
I’m sure many of you have already been made aware of Doniphan West School District closing due to a large number of confirmed Influenza A. It is true that Influenza A, “the flu”, has now hit northeast Kansas; however our students at Hiawatha have luckily not tested positive yet. As a community we would like to see as little cases as possible, but those that happen to get sick we want to receive quick and effective care.
Influenza (also known as flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat and lungs. Flu is different from a cold, and usually comes on suddenly. Flu viruses are spread mainly by droplets made when someone with flu coughs, sneezes or talks. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people nearby. A person also can get flu by touching something that has flu virus on it and then touching their mouth, eyes, or nose. If you are unsure about a member in your household having a “common cold” or actual “flu symptoms” we urge you to visit your local clinic and be tested for Influenza.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has confirmed that the 2018 vaccination is showing to significantly reduce severity and length of symptoms in those that have tested positive for Influenza. Our local health department and hospital have vaccines available (as of December 11th) and it is not too late to get your family vaccinated. For questions about the vaccine or to schedule an appointment you can reach the health department at 785-742-2505, or the clinic at 785-742-2161.
If your child is ill and will be missing school, please remember the following:
Call the school before 9am each day the child is absent
Request homework be collected for your student. If requested, this is usually ready for pickup after 3pm in the front office.
Any over the counter or prescription medications to help your child through the day must be accompanied by a signed doctor’s note in order for staff to administer the medication. Any cough drops need to be accompanied by a note from the parent/guardian.
USD 415 will follow recommendations of our local physicians. Current recommendations for “flu season” are that students must be fever free, without the use of fever reducing medications (Tylenol, Motrin, Ibuprofen) for 48 hours before returning to school.
Erin Winger, RN Whitney McCauley, BSN, RN Dr. Pete Rosa Lonnie Moser HMS/HHS HES School Nurse HCH, VP BOE Superintendent
School Nurse