Hiawatha Middle School
307 S. Morrill Avenue
Hiawatha, KS 66434
(Fax) 785-742-1744
Lonnie Moser, Superintendent Ben Kettler, Activities Director
Kyley Gatz, Principal Kim Krauter, Counselor
October 7, 2020
Dear Parents and/or Guardians,
As many of you may have heard, we will be facilitating parent-teacher conferences in a virtual manner in the upcoming week. Conferences will be held on Wednesday, October 14th from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and on Thursday, October 15th from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., with each conference scheduled for ten minutes. Students are encouraged to attend the virtual meeting as well. Parents and students may use the school-issued device for these conferences. Please note your student’s grade level and refer to the grade-specific information below:
*5th Grade: If you would like to schedule a meeting with a specific teacher, please email at the address listed below or call the school by Monday, October 12th. If there are any concerns regarding your student’s academic progress, a teacher will notify you and request a virtual or phone conference.
*6th Grade: If you would like to schedule a meeting with a specific teacher, please email at the address listed below or call the school by Monday, October 12th. If there are any concerns regarding your student’s academic progress, a teacher will notify you and request a virtual or phone conference.
*7th Grade: Seventh grade parents and students will be notified of their assigned conference time via student and parent email. If your assigned conference time does not work for you, please call or email your student’s teacher to reschedule. These conferences will take place via Zoom with the link being accessible in your student’s email. If you do not have internet connectivity, a phone conference can be arranged.
*8th Grade: If you would like to schedule a meeting with a specific teacher, please email at the address listed below or call the school by Monday, October 12th. If there are any concerns regarding your student’s academic progress, a teacher will notify you and request a virtual or phone conference.
Again, parent-teacher conferences will not be held in the building. Please refer to the information above and feel free to call the middle school for questions or concerns. We are looking forward to this opportunity to visit with you about your child.
Kyley Gatz, Principal
Theresa Williams/5th Science twilliams@usd415.org | Sara Smith/5th Math ssmith@usd415.org | Danielle Hill/5th Social Studies dhill@usd415.org | Crystal Willich/5th ELA cwillich@usd415.org |
Denise Elffner/6th Science delffner@usd415.org | Linda Barnhill/6th ELA lbarnhill@usd415.org | Tom Schmitz/6th Math tschmitz@usd415.org | Brady Mulligan/6th History bmulligan@usd415.org |
Lisa Twombly/7th English litwombly@usd415.org | Jill Hrencher/7th Math jhrencher@usd415.org | Kelsey Lee/7th Science klee@usd415.org | Andy Runer/7th History aruner@usd415.org |
Tim Abeita/8th History tabeita@usd415.org | Kathleen Tryon/8th Math ktryon@usd415.org | Kristin Lock/8th English klock@usd415.org | Brian Lillie/8th Science blillie@usd415.org |
Karie Covert/Art kcovert@usd415.org | Sara Campbell/Girls PE scampbell@usd415.org | Ben Kettler/Boys PE bekettler@usd415.org | Kylah Bateman/Band kbateman@usd415.org |
Billy Hatfield/Vocal bhatfield@usd415.org | Darrin Arment/Applied Tech darment@usd415.org | Sharon Goering/FACS sgoering@usd415.org | Rachel Bloom/IRC rbloom@usd415.org |
Terri McNally/IRC tmcnally@usd415.org | Val Tollefson/IRC vtollefson@usd415.org | Marissa LeMay/Title I Reading mlemay@usd415.org | Nolan Sump/Gifted nsump@usd415.org |
Kim Krauter/Counselor kkrauter@usd415.org | Whitlea Simmons/Social Wkr wsimmons@usd415.org |
The mission of Hiawatha Middle School is to provide all students with life-long learning skills and opportunities for academic, personal, and social growth in a safe and orderly environment. The educational program is designed to enable students to become productive citizens in an ever-changing society.