HES student medications and health forms can be dropped off tomorrow, September 2, from 8am-4pm.
HMS and HHS student medications and health forms can be dropped off today, September 1, from 12pm-3:30pm or tomorrow, September 2, from 8am-4pm.
**We would also like all parents and guardians to be aware of a few changes that are occurring in the Nurse’s office
- Due to morning COVID-19 screenings of all staff and students, medications that are needed with breakfast, or just before class, will need to be given at home. If a child has to take their medication with breakfast, a small glass of milk or a piece of toast at home will provide the same benefits until the child gets to school to eat breakfast.
- Students experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 will be sent home per KDHE and local health guidelines. Students will need to be picked up within 1 hour from first call to parent/guardian. It will be vital that parents/guardians maintain updated contact information for their student throughout the year for this reason.
- Lunch and afternoon medications may be delivered to students. Times will be arranged with teachers to accommodate the best schedule and provide the student with privacy away from other students.
- Hearing, vision, and dental screenings will be conducted only if safe for all students, staff, and local professionals to do so.
- Simple injuries will be handled in the classroom by the teacher (paper cuts, minor Band-Aid needs, losing of baby teeth, etc.)
- Episodes of bowel and bladder incontinence will be handled on a case by case basis. If your child requires clothes to be changed and is able to do so on their own, an extra set may be kept in their backpack or locker. The student will be allowed to use the restroom to handle these needs. If clothes are not available, or unable to perform necessary hygiene measures, parent or guardian may be contacted to pick their student up and assist. The student will be allowed to return to class once hygiene needs are met.