Hiawatha High School
600 Red Hawk Drive                     785.742.3312
Hiawatha, KS 66434                     Fax: 785.742.7156

May 12, 2020

Dear High School Parents and Guardians,

At last night’s USD 415 Board of Education Meeting, the Class of 2020 graduation date was set for Sunday, June 28, at 2 p.m. We will continue to be in regular communication with the Brown County Health Department to ensure a safe event for our students and patrons. Our hope is to have a traditional graduation. However, given the uncertainty, we cannot guarantee that. If that is not doable, we will have an alternative graduation ceremony that will follow the health guidelines governing that time.

Information will continue to be shared with seniors via their school email and their Google Classroom. We will communicate information to parents and patrons using our social media platforms.


Lori Fordyce                                                                      Kim Lillie
Hiawatha High School Principal                                       Assistant Principal/Activities Director