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Hiawatha Elementary School 
600 Miami St.
Hiawatha, KS 66434
(FAX) 785-742-2545

Lonnie Moser, Superintendent                                                                Paul Carver, Principal     

Dear Hiawatha Elementary School Families, 

April showers bring May flowers, I too, hope that as we move into May, some of the “storms” we’ve been experiencing can resolve and we can start to look forward to new growth. As the weather changes, it signals the approach of the end of another school year. I wanted to provide a status update to our families to let you know where we’re at. 

  • We are in the process of how to safely schedule the return of devices to the school at the end of the year.  We want to make it convenient, simple, and safe for all those involved.  
  • We are wanting to make sure we’ve recognized our 4th graders who will be moving to the middle school for next year. The 4th-grade team and I have been working on how best to accomplish that.
  • We will be posting a website that families can use for upcoming kindergartners on Facebook and as a link on our district’s website.  Since we didn’t have Kindergarten Round-up, we wanted to provide important information for our new students. https://sites.google.com/usd415.org/kroundup/home
  • Teacher appreciation is next week, May 4th-8th.  We would love it if you, past, or current students would complete the form with positive messages to share with teachers. They really miss seeing your kids in person and would love to have a positive pick-me-up. https://forms.gle/Wy5qQjTSJrY9nh146

I again, cannot say it enough, I really appreciate how our community has come together in support of our students, staff, and each other.  This is certainly not how we wanted to conclude this academic year, but through the hard work of our staff, the students, and you, this has been as successful as we could have made it.  I want to encourage that what you are doing is challenging, but it is also admirable.  Please keep up the good work.


Paul Carver
Hiawatha Elementary School Principal