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Hiawatha Middle School

307 S. Morrill Avenue

            Hiawatha, KS  66434
              (Fax) 785-742-1744

Lonnie Moser, Superintendent                                            Ben Kettler, Activities Director
Kyley Gatz, Principal                                                                        Kim Krauter, Counselor

April 9, 2020

 Hello Red Hawk Parents and/or Guardians,

As you begin to think about your weekend and formulate your list of “to-do” items, I would like to encourage you to create an unforgettable family experience of some sort. As we all know, there are several limitations surrounding us. What is not limiting us is the time we can set aside to show our kids how to engage in meaningful family communication aimed at achieving short and long term goals despite our current circumstances. This challenge can be facilitated in a number of ways, but of course, aimed at accomplishing the main goal of family togetherness and resiliency.

 As we look back on this week, be proud of the effort and work your student is demonstrating. He/she has been tasked with a very new, much more independent way of learning. There will be many more student strengths revealed at the conclusion of our continuous learning endeavor. If you are concerned that your student is not completing classroom assigned work, please email your child’s teacher at your earliest convenience. If email is not an option, please feel free to call the middle school office to express your concerns or questions.

Some parents have inquired about grades and teacher entries into PowerSchool, our student information system. At this time, we will still be utilizing PowerSchool as a way to enter completed assignments and maintain grades. As mentioned previously, our focus in grading will remain primarily on effort and participation. We will continue to be flexible in our timeline of receiving student work, as we know all situations and circumstances differ. If you or your student is struggling to understand and/or complete teacher assigned work, please communicate your needs and desires so that we may help assist you during this difficult time.

 As always, we are here for you and want the very best for your student and family!


 Best Regards,


 Mrs. Gatz, HMS Principal








The mission of Hiawatha Middle School is to provide all students with life-long learning skills and opportunities for academic, personal, and social growth in a safe and orderly environment. The educational program is designed to enable students to become productive citizens in an ever-changing society.