Hiawatha High School
600 Red Hawk Drive
Hiawatha, KS 66434
Lonnie Moser, Superintendent (785) 742-3312 Kim Lillie, Activities Director
Lori Fordyce, Principal Fax (785) 742-7156 Jenny Dunn, Counselor
November 5, 2019
Dear Patrons,
Last week, some of our FFA students traveled to Indianapolis, IN for the National FFA Convention. While in attendance, our school FFA sponsor was notified of an exhibitor who tested positive for mumps. The Indiana State Health Department and the Marion County Health Department were notified and worked with the FFA Convention leaders to assure proper precautions were taken with the exhibitor. Both health departments and the FFA Organization posted a statement on Saturday, November 2nd stating that there was “a low risk of contracting the mumps”.
Once notified on Saturday, immunization records were double checked on those students in attendance, Kansas Department of Health and Environment resources were consulted, and both confirmed that our students were not at risk of contracting mumps. Our local health department was also made aware of the situation and was in agreement that our students were safe and at no risk of contraction from the exhibitor.
Your student’s health and safety is our top priority at all times. To view the FFA notification please visit www.FFA.org/notice. If you have additional questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Nurse Erin at the high school.
Lori Fordyce Erin Winger
Hiawatha High School Principal School Nurse